The 2024 Development Award is now closed. Thank you for your applications!


Now Accepting Submissions to Support Novel MSC & Exosome Projects with Awards Totaling Up to $100,000

Application Deadline: July 31st
Regions: North America, Europe, Korea, Japan, and Australia

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and their derivatives are a critical raw material for a growing number of emerging advanced therapeutic applications including engineered cell and gene therapies, engineered tissues, combination products/medical devices, and exosome / extracellular vesicle (EV)-based therapies.

As part of RoosterBio’s mission to create a world where safe and effective advanced therapies are rapidly developed and widely available on a global scale, we are excited to support novel projects with access to our innovative products and process support. These systems are actively fueling the rapid implementation of MSC and exosome manufacturing within therapeutic programs from early R&D to clinical manufacturing and providing our clients with industry-leading quality, productivity, and ease of translation to clinical settings.


Submission Requirements

The RoosterBio Development Award aims to support investigators in North America, Europe, Korea, Japan, and Australia who are focused on emerging areas related to MSCs, iPSC-MSCs, immortalized MSCs, and their derivates for novel therapeutic targets and methodologies. As such, we have identified key areas of interest in MSC and exosome manufacturing, analytical development, and therapeutic applications, but we welcome submissions from other emerging areas.

Requested proposals are preferably translationally focused early-stage, proof-of-concept, or pre-clinical in vitro or in vivo studies related to the MSC or exosome technology space. We're also interested in new MSC applications that may be tailored to a specific disease model. Awardees will take part in a kickoff meeting to ensure the alignment of material needed and receive recommended process and/or product support.
Individual Award Total: Up to $10,000 in applicable RoosterBio products. 

RoosterBio is excited to support up to 10 novel projects in 2024. We intend to issue an award to at least one project from each identified focus area:

  • MSC / exosome pre-clinical therapeutic discovery
  • Novel exosome analytical methods or potency models
  • MSC inclusion in complex tissue / organoid systems
  • Engineered or modified MSC / exosome applications
  • MSC applications in longevity, oncology, or fertility



In addition to the identified focus areas, submissions are encouraged from all areas of MSC/exosome research. RoosterBio encourages applications to highlight the inclusion of tissue or donor screening and/or potential for 3D bioreactor-based study design.

Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and be located within North America, Europe, Korea, Japan, or Australia. Applicants must be affiliated with an R&D lab at a University, Hospital, or Institutional setting with access to lab space suitable for completing the proposed research. Applicants acknowledge and agree to RoosterBio’s standard Terms and Conditions along with the additional Terms outlined below.


Post-Award Reporting

Award recipients will be expected to participate in the following activities to highlight their work:

  1. Co-author a blog post written by RoosterBio and participate in a RoosterBio-hosted seminar upon completion of study. This may include a 15-30 minute interview with the Primary Investigator or any publication, presentation, or poster supported by the award.
  2. Communication of the results of the study with an informal teleconference presentation at the end of the initial 12-month period, with 1 additional update upon study completion.
  3. Acknowledgment of the use of RoosterBio products and support from RoosterBio on all conference submissions (abstracts, posters, talks, etc.) and in any publications resulting from work conducted with awarded materials.

Please see the Additional Information and Terms below.



Additional Information & Terms

Review Process & Criteria

All applications for the award will be reviewed by RoosterBio to ensure they meet the minimum requirements as specified with this RFA. Applications will be scored based on the overall strength of the proposed work with specific weight given to (i) integration of RoosterBio products, (ii) novelty of the application with regard to MSC/exosome use, (iii) translational potential, (iv) progression to applied science or cell-based therapeutic application, (v) resources to execute proposed study. Final award selection will be solely at the discretion of RoosterBio and scores will not be returned to applicants.


All notifications will be sent via email to successful applicants within 30 days of the final submission date, July 31st.

Applicable Products

Each award is limited to a maximum of $10,000 of applicable products contingent on the agreed project scope and design. More information on products available for inclusion as part of the award can be found at and are limited to inventoried products labeled for research use only.

Product Name
1M cryopreserved cells and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
1M cryopreserved cells
10M cryopreserved cells
hBM Donor Screening Kit
3 vials of 1M cryopreserved cells from 3 different donors and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
500 mL kit of hMSC Expansion Media
1M XF cryopreserved cells and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
1M XF cryopreserved bone marrow-derived cells
10M XF cryopreserved bone marrow-derived cells
50 million late passage XF Ready-to-Use cryopreserved cells
1M XF cryopreserved cells and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
1M XF cryopreserved adipose-derived cells
10M XF cryopreserved adipose-derived cells
XF hBM Donor Screening Kit
3 vials of 1M XF cryopreserved cells from 3 different donors and 1 RoosterNourish-XF media kit
1M cryopreserved cells and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
1M XF cryopreserved umbilical cord-derived cells
10M XF cryopreserved umbilical cord-derived cells
XF hUC Donor Screening Kit
3 vials of 1M cryopreserved cells from 3 different donors and 1 RoosterNourish media kit
500 mL kit of XF Expansion media 
3D Bioreactor Media Kit
500 mL kit of XF Expansion media + 10 mL RoosterReplenish Bioreactor Feed
RoosterVial™ Exosomes hMSC-UC
1 mL of >5e9 Exosomes
RoosterVial Exosomes hMSC-BM
1 mL of >5e9 Exosomes
RoosterVial Exosomes hMSC-AD
1 mL of >5e9 Exosomes
500 mL EV Collection Media
RoosterCollect EV Pro
500 mL bottle of RoosterCollect-EV and 10 mL bottle of EV Pro 
500 mL Complete Genetic Engineering Medium


Notes for Planning Experimental Design

Each 1M hMSC vial will reach >10M hMSCs after 1P (4 to 5 days) and >100M hMSCs after 2P (8 to 10 days total) when using RoosterNourish-MSC bioprocess media and RoosterBio recommended 2D batch processes without media exchange (found on the applicable product page). It is expected that awardees plan to utilize hMSCs within 2 passages (8 to 10 PDL) of 1M or 10M working cell bank, per RoosterBio's recommended process.  Available tissue types are Bone Marrow (hBM), Adipose (hAD), and Umbilical Cord (hUC)-derived hMSCs.

It is anticipated that products will be divided into 2-3 shipments for delivery and completion of project aims.

RoosterBio will help awardees select the donor(s) best suited for their study from a Donor Grid* based on our extensive hMSC identity and functional characterization. *Example only. Please contact us for currently available donors.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting this application as part of the RoosterBio Development Award and on behalf of yourself and your organization, you agree to all standard RoosterBio Terms and Conditions, additional award-specific terms, and the final award decision of RoosterBio. It is also the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and comply with any organization policies and permissions as it relates to participation in this program.

Each individual RoosterBio Development Award will be based on the scope of the project and have a maximum value of $10,000 in applicable RoosterBio research-grade products. Awards will not consist of any additional financial support.

Upon publication of the data, RoosterBio has permission to use output in its promotional materials. By accepting the award, the awardee grants RoosterBio permission to use the Applicant's name, information, and the research findings or published works of the proposed research project without further compensation, except where prohibited by law.